【録画アーカイブ視聴】4/4 Charity Live



”Songs for Love”



NYから来日中の歌姫 トリシア・タンガイをゲストに元劇団四季シンガーの原彩子がナビゲーターを務めた一夜限りの夢のチャリティーライブ。「もう一度見たい」のご要望にお応えし、アーカイブ販売を行います。





4/4 Charity Live 


18:30 OPEN 19:00 START


出演者:Tricia Tanguy 原彩子 はらかなこ 仁藤雄貴 﨑本絵里菜 



“Songs for Love”
The charity concert for earthquake damage relief in Noto, Ishikawa, Japan.

Ayako Hara, the voice trainer and the teacher who was a stage actress in Japan’s biggest show company Shiki, will sing and also navigate the event.The main guest will be Tricia Tanguy, a theatre actress who has performed Glizabella at Cats National Tour. As a soloist, she has toured Japan and Taiwan with the Orchestra Japan for “Disney on Classic”.
Kanako Hara, who has been very popular with her amazing piano technique and composing skills, Yuki Nito the professional Tuba player and also professional Oboe player Erina Sakimoto will be joining the concert!
You can watch the streaming from anywhere you are. 


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